Local church of Christ congregations are self-governed, autonomous and independent of other congregations, yet tied together with the common bond and allegiance to Christ and the Bible.
Most congregations’ organizational structure begins with Elders who are shepherds of the church, forever watching over the spiritual welfare of the church. Everybody works under their oversight, including the evangelist/minister.
Evangelists/ministers are called to teach and preach the Word of God and work closely with the elders to advance the work of the individual congregation. (Ephesians 4:11, 2 Timothy 4:2). They are also charged with ordaining elders and deacons in the congregations.
Deacons are also part of the organizational structure and they direct and manage various programs and ministries of the local church. (Titus 1:5) Elders and Deacons are selected, based upon guidelines and qualifications found in the New Testament. They are then considered for the position, and, if there are no biblical objections among the congregation, they are then ordained to the position by the evangelist (local minister).
The Elders are a vital part of Christ’s plan. They must be aware of all the works within the church, because it is their responsibility to make many crucial decisions. Cooperation among the Elders, minister and members is vital to the life and health of the congregation. Knowing that God has given this charge to the Elders as the shepherds of His church, it is imperative that the congregation follow them.