Bro. Barry J. Fellner, II
Click For BioBarry J Fellner, II is a member of the Church of Christ congregation that meets at 1889 Genessee Avenue in Columbus, Ohio.
Barry is active in the Education Department, Vacation Bible School, Youth Ministry, Marriage Retreat, Grace Black Foundation and the Golden Wisdom Seniors Ministry as well as the Church Finance Ministry.
Barry was anointed as a church deacon in October of 2006. He is married to Linda and the couple has 3 children. They are the proud Grandparents of 4 young men.
Barry is a recent retiree after serving as a Computer Programmer Analyst for various companies for 45 years.
Barry was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the eldest of six children. After an interesting life involving several popular religions, Barry learned better and was baptized into the church in April of 2001. He has been serving the church in many capacities since then.

Bro. Antonio Phillips
Click For BioAntonio Phillips was born in Baltimore, MD. He graduated with his baccalaureate degree, from Prairie View A&M University, in Prairie View, TX. He then attended The Ohio State University College of Medicine, and completed his residency in Family Medicine, at The Ohio State University.
Antonio Phillips is married to Monique Phillips, and we have five children - all boys! As a family, we enjoy just hanging out with one another. We love to travel different whenever we can. We currently have three children in college.
Antonio Phillips is active in the church as a deacon. His works alongside an elder in the Operations Ministry. He loves being part of the teaching program. He also believers in not being wasteful, with what God has provided†us on this earth, by recycling.

Bro. Simon Lee
Click For BioSimon Lee, Jr is a member of the Church of Christ congregation that meets at 1889 Genessee Avenue in Columbus, Ohio.
He obeyed the gospel at an early age of 15 under the teaching of Bro. Roosevelt Chapman at the Church of Christ on Gard Avenue in Dayton, Ohio where both Simon and wife Kathyís parents and families attended since they were young.
Although they were not high school sweethearts, they married on February 1, 1986 and recently celebrated 31yrs of marriage. Simon moved his family to Columbus, OH in 1996 as a result of a job transfer and placed membership at the Church of Christ on Genessee Avenue where they have been faithful members since that time.
Simon was born in Dayton, Ohio and is the youngest of 9 children. Kathy is the second youngest of 7 children. Simon and Kathy have 2 children and 1 grandchild.
He has served the church in various ways over the years including helping with the church pantry, Adult Bible class teacher, Church van driver (since 2002), and was ordained as a Deacon on Sept 18, 2016, working with the Evangelism Team ministry whose mission is to teach the Gospel with men, women, boys and girls.
Deacons are skilled servants in the work of the local church. They promote the welfare and prosperity of the local church by carrying out tasks assigned by the Elders.
Elders oversee all the needs of the church. Deacons are special servants with God-given qualifications to assist the Elders in that work.
Deacons can be assigned to lead or supervise ministries, or be a “Leadership Presence” in ministries of the church. They can teach New Converts, and wayward Christians. They can visit shut-ins and be alert to the financial needs of the congregation.
For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Bro. Michael Flowers
Click For BioMichael grew up in the church family that is now at Genessee Avenue. His parents came to the Mount Vernon Avenue congregation in 1955. He was baptized in 1966. He and his family have been with us through the transition to Cleveland Avenue, and now, he and his wife Jackie, who was baptized in 1984, are the parents of two adult children who represent the next generation of the Flowers family at Genessee Avenue.
Michael is a corporate lawyer, and Jackie is a registered dietitian. They enjoy supporting many activities of their children. Michael is an avid participant in high impact aerobics while Jackie is a regular participant in water aerobics. His area of responsibility is Benevolence. Jackie is also actively involved in our College Campus Ministry.

Bro. Troy Glover